About Bloom


Bloom Tuition Townsville is owned and operated by Townsville-based educator, Katie Johns. As an educator of 15+ years, Katie brings a wealth of experience and professional knowledge to Bloom Tuition Townsville.

Katie began her teaching career in Charters Towers before moving to Townsville. During her career, she has held a number of positions, including classroom teacher, Support Teacher – Literacy and Numeracy, Head of Department – Middle Schooling and Head of Department – English. Katie has also worked as a key member in developing and continuing the highly regarded Mount Stuart Cluster Writing Initiative. This initiative, aimed at improving students’ writing and transition between primary and secondary schooling, has received local, state and national recognition and has been adopted as a ‘best practice’ approach in schools across the country.

In addition to her extensive knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy, Katie’s biggest strength is her ability to connect with her students. Developing positive and respectful relationships sees Katie’s students grow in confidence and self-belief, allowing them to seek and reach goals which may have previously been considered unattainable.

Let’s grow confident learners.